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Hello People. We at Circular Delft are scouting for new team members for our new board to continue into the next year. Are you a student...

CTalks: Holland Circular Hotspot - Freek van Eijk (Part 2)
(For Part 1 of this inteview click here.) Continuing from where we left off in our Part 1 of the interview, we continue the discussion...

CTalks: Holland Circular Hotspot - Freek van Eijk (Part 1)
We are happy to start a new series of articles which are dedicated to interviews from entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, researchers,...
Internship opportunity: Disruptive innovation Festival (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)
Intern Disruptive innovation Festival Based in Isle of Wight, UK The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has an exciting opportunity for someone...
Graduation opportunity: Designing for (sustainable) behavioural change by using the theory on consum
Changing people’s consumption behaviour in order to reduce the negative effect on the environment and create a circular economy is...
Vacancy: PhD position in design for a circular economy with a consumer-centred approach
For more information, see
The student hotel: Circular design competition
No gas. No waste. No problem. We’re excited to make TSH Delft our most sustainable hotel ever! That’s why we’re looking for innovative...
Seminar: Nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van kunststoffen en de circulaire economie, TU Delft,
De ontwikkelingen op het gebied van het sluiten van kunststof materiaal kringlopen gaan voort. Plastics recycling, gebruik van...
Uitreiking Circulair Design Award 2018
De uitreiking van de Circulair Design Award 2018 is op 22 maart as vanaf 15:00 uur in C-Beta te Hoofddorp! (voorheen bekend als de...
The Nike Circular Innovation Challenge: Design with Grind!
The Nike Circular Innovation Challenge: Design with Grind! The goal of this Challenge is to find innovators who can use Nike Grind...
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