Circular 101 with David Peck. March 27

On the 27th of March, we at Circular Delft will host a lunch lecture featuring TU Delft assistant professor David Peck. This lecture is held to introduce you to the ideas of the Circular Economy and to offer new insights on why the circular economy model is becoming more and more valuable in the world of today.
The event will take place at the Joost van der Grinten hall at the Industrial Design Engineering faculty of the TU Delft from 12:45 to 13:30.
Furthermore, if you like our facebook page and share the announcement of this event, you have the chance to win a copy of 'Products that Last', an inspiring book that introduces successful business models and design strategies that promote longer lasting products!
So we hope to see you the 27th to learn more about the benefits of the Circular Economy!